Shaun Helman
Chief Scientist at TRL and Chartered Psychologist. Occasional blog writer. Loves cats.
I am a Chief Scientist at TRL, applying psychology, evaluation and behavioural science to improve culture, change behaviour, and maximise performance. Links below to transport-related links - including blogs and publications.
Links below to non-work writing and photos.
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Work Blogs
Below are links to my work-related blogs - mainly focused on transport but some others too. All links to external sites.
2024 - Beyond the red lights: a comprehensive approach to roadside recovery safety
2024 - The Safe System Approach: We need to embrace the foundations, not just the pillars
2024 - Modes: it's time to make road risk management better than average
2023 - Generative AI in transport: will self-driving vehicles copy humans, or the other way around?
2023 - Why humans, not robots, will drive the future of transport
2023 - UN - Road Safety Week - Road safety across the lifespan
2023 - What toddlers can teach road authorities about road safety
2022 - Helmets, smart motorways, and my wife walking home from nightclubs
2021 - Active travel between towns up to 20 miles apart - cycling to HUK
2021 - Can you see me? The timely detection of other road users
2021 - Expert insight in DriveTech's 'Language of Road Safety' white paper.
2020 - Speed - an essential part of the safe system approach.
2020 - Covid-19 and the discussion of evidence - will it help road safety?
2019 - Driving? Eyes on the road. Mind on the traffic. Hands on the wheel. Simple.
All publications linked to external sites where possible. Author copies for personal research available on request.
Peer reviewed publications.
Christie, N., O'Toole, S., Holcombe, A., Bull, N., & Helman, S. (2025). Managing the road safety risks of last mile deliveries with telematics: Views among drivers and managers in the UK. Journal of Transport & Health, 40, 101954.
Christie, N., O’Toole, S., Holcombe, A., Bull, N., & Helman, S. (2024). Managing the road safety risks of last mile deliveries: Do telematics have a role to play?. Traffic Injury Prevention, 1-7.
Ehsani, J. P., Kinnear, N., Helman, S., Vaca, F. E., & Michael, J. P. (2022). Toward a Performance-Based Driver Licensing System for Teenagers in the U.S. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 63(3), 450–453.
Kinnear, N., Chowdhury, S., Wallbank, C., Helman, S., & Mohanani, S. (2021). Modelling the Relationship Between Practical Driving Test Faults and Collision Risk Post-Test (TRBAM-21-03039). Article TRBAM-21-03039. Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board.
Mutzenich, C., Durant, S., Helman, S., & Dalton, P. (2021). Updating our understanding of situation awareness in relation to remote operators of autonomous vehicles. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1), 9.
Mutzenich, C., Durant, S., Helman, S. & Dalton, P. (2021). Situation Awareness in remote operators of autonomous vehicles: developing a taxonomy of Situation Awareness in video-relays of driving scenes. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (1-21),
Winter, M. G., Kinnear, N. & Helman, S. (2021). Evaluation of a novel road-based landslide early warning system. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport.
Steadman, L., Griffiths, N., Jarvis, S., Bell, M., Helman, S. & Wallbank, C. (2020). Reducing and linking spatio-temporal datasets with kD-STR. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities, 10-19.
Fildes, B., Oxley, J., Morris, A., Helman, S. & Weekley, J. (2018). Review of medical fitness to drive in Europe. Proceedings of the 6th Humanist Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 13-14 June 2018.
Kinnear, N. & Helman, S. (2017) Transforming the practical driving test in Great Britain: trialing changes to stimulate on-road experience and promote safer driving post-test. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 9th January 2017.
Tong, S., Helman, S., Balfe, N., Fowler, C., Delmonte, E. & Hutchins, R. (2017). Workload differences between on-road and off-road manoeuvres for motorcyclists. In: Longo, L., Leva, M. (eds.) International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications, 239–250. Springer, Cham.
Kinnear, N., Helman, S., Wallbank, C. & Grayson, G. B. (2015). An experimental study of factors associated with frustration and overtaking intentions. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 79, 221-230.
Helman, S. & Reed, N. (2015). Validation of the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire using behaviour data from an instrumented vehicle and high-fidelity driving simulator. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 75, 245-251.
Kinnear, N., Helman, S., Murphy, P., Casey, J. & MacDonald, J. (2014). Experimental and stated preference study of the factors that influence driver frustration on the A9. Proceedings of the Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference 2014, 21st May, Glasgow, Scotland.
Winter, M., Kinnear, N., Shearer, B., Lloyd, L. & Helman, S. (2014). A technical and perceptual evaluation of ‘Wig-Wag’ landslide warning signs. Proceedings of World Landslide Forum 3, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05050-8_94
Winter, M. G., Kinnear, N., Shearer, B., Lloyd, L., & Helman, S. (2014). Evaluation of ‘Wig-Wag’ Landslide Warning Signs. In K. Sassa, P. Canuti, & Y. Yin (Eds.), Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment (pp. 607–612). Springer International Publishing.
Helman, S., Palmer, M., Haines, C. & Reeves, C. (2014). The effect of two novel lighting configurations on the conspicuity of motorcycles: a roadside observation study in New Zealand. Published Project Report (PPR682). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman S., Kinnear N. A. D., McKenna F. P., Allsop R. E. & Horswill M. S. (2013). Changes in self-reported driving intentions and attitudes while learning to drive in Great Britain. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 425–431.
Gould, M., Poulter, D. R., Helman, S., & Wann, J. P. (2013). Detection of vehicle approach in the presence of distracter motion and simulated observer motion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 19(2), 171–184.
Kinnear, N. & Helman, S. (2013). Updating risk allostasis theory to better understand behavioural adaptation. In Rudin-Brown, C. and Jamson, S. L. (Eds): Behavioural Adaptation and Road Safety: Theory, Evidence, and Action.
Helman, S., Weare, A., Palmer, M., and Fernandéz-Medina, K. (2012). Literature review of interventions to improve the conspicuity of motorcyclists and help avoid 'looked but failed to see' accidents. Published Project Report (PPR638). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.*
Helman, S. (2012). Who intends to take post-test driver training? A segmentation of novice drivers in Great Britain. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology. 29th-31st August 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Gould, M., Poulter, D. R., Helman, S., and Wann, J. P. (2012). Judgments of approach speed for motorcycles across different lighting levels and the effect of an improved tri-headlight configuration. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 48(2), 341–345.
Gould, M., Poulter, D. R., Helman, S. and Wann, J. P. (2012). Errors in judging the approach rate of motorcycles in night-time conditions and the effect of an improved lighting configuration. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45(2), 432–437.
Grayson, G. B. and Helman, S. (2011). Work related road safety: a systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of interventions. Research report 11.3. Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. External Link
Godwin, H. J., Menneer, T., Cave, K. R., Helman, S. and Donnelly, N. (2010). Don’t distract the searcher: searcher performance for X-ray security screening images is reduced with the addition of a simple mental arithmetic task. Journal of Vision, 8(6), 319.
Godwin, H. J., Menneer, T., Cave, K. R., Helman, S., Way, R., and Donnelly, N. (2010). The impact of relative prevalence on dual-target search for threat items from airport X-ray screening. Acta Psycologica, 134(1), 79–84.
Godwin, H. J., Menneer, T., Helman, S., Cave, K. R., and Donnelly, N. (2010). In difficult visual search, high frequency targets are found at the expense of low frequency targets. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 706.
Banbury, S, Helman, S., Spearpoint, J. and Tremblay, S. (2010). Cracking the bullwhip: team collaboration and performance within a simulated supply chain. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 54(19), 1620-1624.
Schwaninger, A. Bolfing, A., Halbherr, T., Helman, S., Belyavin, A., and Hay, L. (2008). The Impact of Image Based Factors and Training on Threat Detection Performance in X-ray Screening. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation—June 01–04, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
Godwin, H. J., Menneer, T., Helman, S., Cave, K. R., and Donnelly, N. (2007). In difficult visual search, high frequency targets are found at the expense of low frequency targets. Poster presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, May 11–16, 2007 Sarasota, Florida.
Campbell, J. M., Edwards, M. S., Horswill, M. S., and Helman, S. (2007). Effects of contextual cues in recall and recognition memory: The misinformation effect reconsidered. British Journal of Psychology, 98, 485–498.
Horswill, M. S., Helman, S., Ardiles, P., and Wann, J. P. (2005). Motorcycle accident risk could be inflated by a time to arrival illusion. Optometry and Vision Science, 82(8), 740–746.
Butler, L. T., Berry, D. C. and Helman, S. (2004). Dissociating mere exposure and repetition priming as a function of word type. Memory and Cognition, 32(5), 759–767.
Helman, S. and Berry, D. C. (2003). Effects of divided attention and speeded responding on implicit and explicit retrieval of artificial grammar knowledge. Memory and Cognition, 31(5), 703–714.
Horswill, M. S. and Helman, S. (2003). A behavioural comparison between motorcyclists and a matched group of non-motorcycling car drivers: Factors influencing accident risk. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35, 589–597.
Helman, S. and Horswill, M. S. (2002). Does the introduction of non-traditional teaching techniques improve psychology undergraduates’ performance in statistics? Psychology Learning and Teaching, 2(1), 12–16.
Horswill, M. S. and Helman, S. (2002). A comparative approach to differential accident liability: Car drivers versus motorcyclists. In Grayson, G. B. (Ed.), Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Eleventh Seminar, London: Department of Environment, Transport, and the Regions.
Helman, S. and Berry, D. C. (1998). Preference formation in the artificial grammar learning task. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 6 (1), p44.
Other publications and unpublished reports - 2016 onwards
Crundall, D. et al. (2023). Shifting face-to-face driving safety training online: current understanding and best practice. London: Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS). Link
Pyta, V., Verwey, L., Chowdhury, S., Hitchings, J., Harpham, N., Helman, S., & Edwards, M. (2022). Use of in-vehicle technologies to assist with and encourage safe and efficient driving behaviour.
Wallbank, C., Verwey, L., Hammond, J., Opie, B., Pyta, V., Collis, C., & Hitchings, J. (2021). HGV and LGV frontal shunts on the Strategic Road Network (MIS049). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Wallbank, C., Helman, S., and But, B. (2021). How many road deaths is too many?: The challenge of meeting road safety targets (No. ACA014).
Pyta, V., Gupta, B., Stuttard, N., Kinnear, N., and Helman, S. (2020). Assisting the Update of INDG382: Vehicle Technologies (PPR968). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman S., Williams, M., Simmons, N., Box, E. et al. (2020). Written evidence submitted by RoadPeace to Transport Committee in response to 2020 call for evidence relating to young driver safety.
Greenwood, I. M., Box, E., Helman, S. and Jones, S. (2020). Safety of young drivers. BMJ 2020;371:m4614.
Kinnear, N., Stuttard, N., Hynd, D., Helman, S. and Edwards, M. (2020). Safe performance of other activities in conditionally automated vehicles (PPR979). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Christmas, S., Cooper, A., Shepherd, J. and Helman, S. (2020). Perceptions of safety: findings from focus groups (PPR953). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S. (2020). Objective data accessible by Highways England and their link with subjective perceptions of safety (CPR2762). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Wallbank, C. and Helman, S. (2020). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report (CPR2751). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Holcombe, A., Helman, S. and Weekley, J. (2020a). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report technical appendix 1: speeding survey (CPR2752). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Holcombe, A., Helman, S. and Weekley, J. (2020b). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report technical appendix 2: drink- and drug-driving survey (CPR2753). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Holcombe, A., Helman, S. and Weekley, J. (2020c). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report technical appendix 3: poor lane use survey (CPR2754). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Holcombe, A., Helman, S. and Weekley, J. (2020d). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report technical appendix 4: mobile device use while driving survey (CPR2755). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Holcombe, A., Helman, S. and Weekley, J. (2020e). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report technical appendix 5: close following survey (CPR2756). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Posner, R., Holcombe, A., Helman, S. and Weekley, J. (2020f). Driver intentions and behaviours: post-pilot report technical appendix 6: driving while fatigued survey (CPR2757). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Sharp, R., Wells, H., Fernández-Medina, K. and Helman, S. (2020). Perceptions of compliance and enforcement on the Strategic Road Network: Focus groups and interviews (PPR954). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Shepherd, J. and Helman, S. (2019). Rapid evidence reviews of perceptions of safety and compliance. (CPR2761). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Weekley, J., Helman, S. and Wallbank, C. (2019). NDORS evaluation project: year 2 plan (CPR2726). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Skippon, S., Hyatt, T., Castiaux, E., Jenkins, D., Edwards, A., Martin, P., and Helman, S. (2018). The Transport for London Bus Safety Standard: Visual Conspicuity (PPR993). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Edwards, A., Barrow, A., O’Connell, S., Krishnamurthy, V., Khatry, R., Hylands, N., McCarthy, M., Helman, S., and Knight, I. (2018). Analysis of Bus Collisions and Identification of Countermeasures (No. PPR819).
Vlakveld, W., and Helman, S. (2018). The Safety Effects of (digital) Roadside Advertising: An Overview of the Literature.
Helman, S. (2019). Exploring the perception of safety on the Strategic Road Network: current approach and future development (CPR2653). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., and Carsten, O. (2019). What does my car do. Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, PACTS, UK.
Davidson, S., Crick, J., Stefanova, T., Durrell, L., and Helman, S. (2018). Development and Pilot of a Business Travel Focused Intervention Addressing Close Following Driving Behaviour. Published Project Report (PPR886). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Needham, R., Clinton, K., Lloyd, N., Fernández-Medina, K. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Mentor agreements (CPR2468). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Brookfield, C, Cooper-Brown, S., Pressley, A. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Logbook (CPR2469). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Kinnear, N., Dorn, L. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Telematics (CPR2470). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Kinnear, N., Dorn, L. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Hazard perception training (CPR2471). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Fosdick, T., Campsall, D., Ferris, S., Ursachi, G., Tailor, A. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Education (CPR2472). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Wallbank, C., Fenlon, J., Hutton, J. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Quantiative evaluation framework (CPR2474). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Weekley, J., Pressley, A. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Recruitment and retention (CPR2473). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Christie, N, Pressley, A. and Helman, S. (2017). The Driver2020 Project: Evaluation of interventions aimed at improving safety in young and novice drivers. Design note: Qualitaitve evaluation framework (CPR2475). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Edwards, A., Barrow, A., O’Connell, S., Krishnamurthy, V., Khatry, R., Hylands, N., McCarthy, M., Helman, S. and Knight, I. (2017). Analysis of bus collisions and identification of countermeasures. Published Project Report (PPR819). Crowthorne, U.K.: Transport Research Laboratory.
Weekley, J., Helman, S. and Wann, J. (2017). Conspicuity of horses and riders on roads. Published Project Report (PPR845). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Shepherd, J., Helman, S. and Novis, K. (2017). Rapid assessment of the potential for new technologies to imporve road safety in Wales (CPR2493). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Shepherd, J., Sharp, R. and Helman, S, (2017). Review of driver licensing components for RSA. Client Project Report (CPR2507). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Vlakveld, W., Fildes, B., Oxley, J., Fernández-Medina, K., Weekley, J. (2017). Study on driver training testing and medical fitness. Brussels: European Commission.
Wallbank, C., Chowdhury, S., Hammond, J., Durrel, L., Kinnear, N., Buttress, S. and Helman, S. (2017). Transforming the practical driving test: final technical report. Client Project Report (CPR2449). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Wallbank, C., Chowdhury, S., Hammond, J., Kinnear, N., Buttress, S., Jenkins, R. and Grayson, G. (2017). Transforming the practical driving test: final report. Published Project Report (PPR828). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Pressley, A., Fernández-Medina, K., Helman, S., McKenna, F. P., Stradling, S. and Husband, P. (2016). A review of interventions which seek to increase the safety of young and novice drivers. Published Project report (PPR781). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Delmonte, E., Hutchins, R., Durrell, L., Helman, S., Wallbank, C. and Scoons, J. (2016). Understanding HGV non-compliance in London: Technical Report. Published Project report (PPR778). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Delmonte, E. and Helman, S. (2016). Understanding HGV non-compliance in London: Summary Report. Published Project report (PPR777). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Fernández-Medina, K., Helman, S., Posner, R., Durrell, L., and Rillie, I. (2016). Understanding and influencing driver compliance. Published Project report (PPR779). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Other publications and unpublished reports - 2008-2015
TRL, TNO, and Rapp Trans (2015). Study on good practices for reducing road safety risks caused by road user distractions. Brussels: European Commission.
Grayson, G., Kinnear, N. and Helman, S. (2015). A review of the effects of frustration on driving behaviour and the propensity to overtake. Published Project Report (RPN2135). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Kinnear, N., Lloyd, L., Scoons, J. and Helman, S. (2014). Graduated driver licensing: a regional analysis of potential casualty savings in Great Britain. RAC Foundation Report. London: RAC Foundation.
Kinnear, N., Lloyd, L, and Helman, S. (2014). The relationship between driver attitudes, driver frustration, and overtaking intentions. Awaiting publication. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S. and Kinnear, N. (2014). Factors associated with driving frustration and overtaking intentions. Awaiting publication. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Christie, N., Ward, H., Grayson, G., Delmonte, E. and Hutchins, R. (2014). Strategic review of the management of occupational road risk. Published Project Report (PPR699). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Kinnear, N., Lloyd, L., Scoons, J. & Helman, S. (2014). Graduated Driver Licensing: A regional analysis of potential casualty savings in Great Britain. TRL report. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Kinnear, N., Lloyd, L., Helman, S., Husband, P., Scoons, J., Jones, S., Stradling, S., McKenna, F. and Broughton, J. (2013). Novice drivers: evidence review and evaluation – pre-driver education and training, graduated driver licensing, and the New Drivers Act. Published Project Report (PPR673). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Tong, S., Helman, S., Fowler, C., Delmonte, E. and Hutchins, R. (2013). Motorcycle manoeuvres review: phase 2 and phase 3 report. Published Project Report (PPR659). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Tong, S., Helman, S., Fowler, C., Delmonte, E. and Hutchins, R. (2013). Motorcycle manoeuvres review: the feasibility and safety implications of carrying out modified module 1 test manoeuvres on-road. Phase 1 - off-road trials with learner riders. Published Project Report (PPR667). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., McKenna, F., McWhirter, J., Lloyd, L. and Kinnear, N. (2013). Evaluation of a new learning to drive syllabus and process in GB: Effects on self-reported safety-related measures in learner drivers, and impact on approved driving instructors and supervising drivers. TRL Client Project Report (CPR1515). Driving Standards Agency.
McWhirter, J., Brough, L., Vernon, D., Fuller, R. and Helman, S. (2013). Evaluation of the new learning to drive syllabus and process: final qualitative report. TRL Client Project Report (CPR1378). Driving Standards Agency.
Delmonte, E., Manning, J., Helman, S., Basacik, D., Scoons, J., Chappell, J., Stannard, J., Jones, M. and Knight, I. (2013). Construction logistics and cyclist safety: technical report. Published Project report (PPR639). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Delmonte, E., and Stannard, J. (2013). Construction logistics and cyclist safety: summary report. Published Project report (PPR640). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Cynk, S., Palmer, M., Fowler, C. and Rillie, I. (2012). Removing road danger lamps at relaxation road works: impact on driver behaviour and road worker risk. Client Project Report (CPR1306). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Palmer, M., Delmonte, E. and Buttress, S. (2012). Development of a video measure of hazard perception skill and a group-discussion-based hazard perception training package for motorcyclists. Published Project Report (PPR615). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Buttress, S. and Hutchins, R. (2012). A gap analysis of work-related road safety in the UK: working towards a national standard. Published Project report (PPR626). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Weekley, J. Carroll, J., Dunford, A., Grayson, G. and Helman, S. (2011). The value of TRL science. Client Project Report (CPR1900). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Anund, A., Fors, C., Sjögren, L., Charman, S., & Helman, S. (2011). Deliverable Nr 4 – Consistent treatment in relation to the severity of a curve, a driving simulator study.
Anund, A., Fors, C., Sjogren, L., Charman, S., and Helman, S. (2011). Speed Adaptation Control by Self-Explaining Roads (SPACE) deliverable 4: Consistent treatment in relation to the severity of a curve, a driving simulator study. Project no. 823153. ERA-net.
Charman, S., Grayson, G., Helman, S., Kennedy, J., de Smidt, O., Lawton, B., Nossek, G., Wiesauer, L., Fürdös, A., Pelikan, V., Skládaný, P., Pokorný, P., Matějka, M., and Tučka, P. (2011). Speed Adaptation Control by Self-Explaining Roads (SPACE) deliverable 1: Self-explaining roads literature review and treatment information. Project no. 823153. ERA-net.
Helman, S. and Grayson, G. (2011). Work related road safety: a systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of interventions – project report. Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.
Kinnear, N., Helman, S., and Walter, L. (2011). A segmentation of novice drivers in Great Britain: factors associated with intention to take advanced driver training. Published Project Report (PPR590). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Christmas, S. and Helman, S. (2011). Road sharing: does it matter what road users think of each other? RAC Foundation Report. London: RAC Foundation.
Helman, S. and Palmer, M. (2010). Road worker conspicuity. Client Project Report (CPR1001). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Christmas, S., Helman, S., Buttress, S., Newman, C, and Hutchins, R (2010). Cycling, safety and sharing the road: Qualitative research with cyclists and other road users. Road Safety Web Publication No. 17. London: Department for Transport.
Kinnear, N., Helman, S., Buttress, S., Smith, L., Walter, L., and Sexton, B. (2010). Analyses of the effect of bilingual signs on road safety in Scotland. Published Project Report (PPR589). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Ward, H. A., Christie, N., and McKenna, F. P. (2010). Using behavioural methods to evaluate route safety schemes: detailed guidance for practitioners. Published Project Report (PPR548). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Ward, H. A., Helman, S., Christie, N., and McKenna, F. P. (2010). Using behavioural methods to evaluate route safety schemes: guidance for practitioners. Client Project Report (CPR1029). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Kennedy, J., and Gallagher, A. (2010). Bend treatments on the A377 between Cowley and Bishops Tawton: final report. Published Project Report (PPR494). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Kennedy, J., Helman, S., Taig, T. and Hunt, M. (2010). Cross-modal safety: Risk and public perceptions: phase 1 report. Published Project Report (PPR521). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Lynam, D., Kennedy, J., Helman, S. and Taig, T. (2010). Cross-modal safety: Risk and public perceptions: phase 2 report. Published Project Report (PPR522). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Diels, C., Helman, S. and Parkes, A. (2010). Tactile Detection Task as a workload measure in simulated driving. Published Project Report (PPR523). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S. Diels, C., Reed, N., Chattington, M., Belyavin, A. and Dickson, B. (2010). Use of electroencephalography (EEG) and the Tactile Detection Task (TDT) to improve mental workload estimation in the TRL Car Driving Simulator. Published Project Report (PPR500). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Grayson, G., and Parkes, A. M. (2010). How can we produce safer new drivers? A review of the effects of experience, training, and limiting exposure on the collision risk of new drivers. TRL Insight Report (INS005). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Vandrevala, T, and Hutchins, R. (2010a). Feasibility of introducing a situational judgement and independent driving test element into the driver training and on road assessment protocol: Phase 1 final report. (CPR465). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Vandrevala, T, and Hutchins, R. (2010b). The feasibility of introducing independent driving into the GB driving test: Phase 2 final report (CPR462). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Helman, S., Grayson, G., Lawton, B., Charman, S. and De Smidt, O. (2010). SPACE deliverable 1: Self-explaining roads literature review and treatment information. Available at:
Charman S., Dodd, M., Fletcher, J., Helman, S., and Kinnear, N. (2009). Safety consideration regarding night driving with vision aids (CPR526). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Lawton, B., Helman, S., and Summersgill, I. (2009). Route safety management and evaluation guidance. TRL published project report (PPR 398). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Lawton, B., Helman, S., and Summersgill, I. (2009). Route safety management and evaluation. TRL Client Report (CPR 328). Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Tong, S. and Helman, S. (2008). Evaluation of driver information programmes. TRL Published Report. RPN 194.
Helman, S. (2008). Situational judgement in driver training and assessment: a literature review. TRL Published Report, PPR 312.
Other publications and unpublished reports (2005-2008)
Helman, S., Schwaninger A., Belyavin, A., Hay, L., Halbherr, T., Wetter, O., Sourlier, J., Bolfing, A., Bulloch, A., and Glanville H., (2008). The impact of bag size and other image based variables on threat detection performance in X-ray screening. QINETIQ/07/03194
Helman, S., Moorhead, I., Jones, R., Belyavin, A., huddy, G., Gibson, A., Bunting, A., Mansfield, H., Bacon, M., Crawford, A., and Glanville, H. (2007). Inferring intention through the measurement and analysis of visual attention behaviour: a scoping study. QinetiQ/08/00005
Helman, S., Christie, M., Collett, P., Pelly, V., and Huddy, G. (2007). Using behavioural analysis to predict terror attacks: a scoping study. QinetiQ/07/02785
Hay, L., Helman, S., and Belyavin, A. (2007). Assessing the impact of three image enhancement algorithms on demanders’ confidence in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. QINETIQ/07/02475
Brennen, S. D., Helman, S., McGuinness, B., Croft, D., Pelly, V. and Christie, M. J., (2007). Coalition command visualisation: working paper 1. QINETIQ/DandTS/CS/WP0707076
Brennen, S. D., Helman, S., Croft, D., Pelly, V., and Woodward, M. (2007). Future surface combatant (FSC) operations room concept. QinetiQ/07/01342
Farry, R., and Helman, S. (2007). aTiX HFI assessment phase two—customer report. QINETIQ/07/00853
Helman, S. (2007). Influencing human behaviour scoping workshop—report. QINETIQ/07/00839
Helman, S. (2007). Detection of intent in ISTAR. A short report: definitions and issues. HPS/SH/05/03/2007
Helman, S., Hay, L., Beaumont, L., Farry, R., and Miles, A. (2007). Human factors assessment of the aTiX X-ray equipment: threat detection study final report. QinetiQ/07/00166
Helman, S. Hay, L., and Beaumont, L. (2007). The influence of three image enhancement algorithms on subjective ratings of clarity of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. QinetiQ/DandTS/CS/TR0700782
Helman, S. (2007). Detecting deception in individuals: underlying psychological factors, operational implementation, and relevance to strategic deception in the military. QinetiQ/DandTS/CS/CR0614999
Pelly, V., Helman, S., and Croft, D. (2007). Usability of interaction devices whilst wearing PPE—final technical report. QinetiQ/07/00127
Helman, S., Christie, M., Croft, D., and Sirret, P. (2007). The impact of uncertainty on individual and organisational reasoning within NEC—customer report. QINETIQ/06/02480
Helman, S., Christie, M., Croft, D., and Shaw, G. (2007). The impact of uncertainty symbology on decision making within NEC—technical report. QINETIQ/06/02483
Helman, S. (2006). How effective is body language for detecting security threats? Presentation given to the Airport Exchange ACI conference, Madrid.
Chapman, V., Helman, S., Hay, L., Beaumont, L., Miles, A., Bunting, A., Riley, P., Appelyard, S., Farry, R., McGuffog, A. and Way, R. (2006). Factors underlying threat detection performance at London Luton Airport. QINETIQ/06/01936
Helman, S., Miles, A. and Hay, L. (2006). The influence of bag size on threat detection performance. QINETIQ/06/01918
Appleyard, S., Thomas, L., Chapman, V., Hay, L. and Helman, S. (2006). Implicit instructions and command intent for autonomous systems. QINETIQ/DandTS/CHS/CR0600983
Helman, S., Brown, P., Riley, P. and Elshaw, C. (2006). Developing a measure of team cohesion: summary report. QINETIQ/06/00703
Brown, P., Elshaw, C., Riley, P., Helman, S., Euesden, J. and Sirett, P. (2006). Developing a measure of team cohesion: technical report. QINETIQ/06/00621
Pelly, V., Helman, S. and McGuffog, A. (2006). Behavior Pattern Recognition (BPRTM) trial evaluation. QINETIQ/06/00495
Chapman, V., Helman, S., Melia, A., Shaw, G. and Lenman, J. (2006). Hold Baggage Screening: Baseline threat detection and alarm resolution protocols—interim report. QinetiQ/DandTS/CHS/CR0604157
Nichols, A., Shuttleworth, T. and Helman, S. (2005). QinetiQ trials for the FACE project. QINETIQ/05/00682
Spearpoint, J., Helman, S. and Christie, M. (2005). The impact of uncertainty on individual and organisational reasoning within NEC—interim report. QINETIQ/05/01410
Helman, S., Spearpoint, J., Banbury, S. and Appleyard, S. (2005). Cognitive Network Tracing: development of objective measures of team collaboration and decision quality. Customer Report QINETIQ/05/00545
Shaw, G., Helman, S., Croft, D., Banbury, S. and Melia, A. (2005). Accurately assessing Situation Awareness: the development of a second-generation Situation Awareness Metric. QINETIQ/05/00546
Shaun Helman - Brief CV
Pen portrait
TRL’s Chief Scientist for Behavioural Sciences. An applied cognitive and experimental psychologist with over two decades’ experience in road safety, road user behaviour, and human-technology integration. My specific research focuses on the safety of young and newly qualified drivers, vulnerable road user safety (especially visibility and conspicuity) and work-related road safety. More generally, my research and commentary focus on raising the standards of evaluation and evidence in the transport domain, especially road safety but including research into automated driving technologies, low-emission vehicles, and the emergence of new models of the movement of people and goods such as shared mobility. I have a track record of delivering projects that impact directly on government policy and advice to road users, including many of the changes in the last decade to driver testing and licensing in Great Britain. I have authored over 150 journal articles and customer reports since 2002 and have presented at numerous national and international conferences on road safety and other transport issues. I represent TRL at the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, and act as a reviewer for several scientific journals and grant bodies.
Career summary
2018-present - Chief Scientist
2012-2018 - Head of Transport Psychology
2010-2012 - Principal Psychologist
2008-2010 - Senior PsychologistQinetiQ
2004-2008 - Senior ConsultantUniversity of Wales Institute - Cardiff
2002-2004 - LecturerThe University of Reading
1999-2002 - Research Fellow
PhD Experimental Psychology (2000, Reading)
B.Sc. (1st Class Hons.) Psychology (1996, York)
Memberships and affiliations
Trustee - Road Safety Trust - 2022-2023
Chartered Psychologist - British Psychological Society (2015-present)
Peer-reviewer - Several journals in road safety (2010-present)
Working party member - PACTS Road User Behaviour Working Party (2010-present)
Working party member - ECTRI Thematic Group (Safety) (2009-2018)
Personal Blogs
Below are links to my other writing.
2022-2023 - Joint blogs with Beata Szoboszlai on her sailing (circumnavigation)
Pictures of our cats
Issy (2001-2023)
Buddy (2018-2022)
Merry (with Issy - he loved Issy - 2013-2015)
BB (1998-2013)
Tia (1996-2007)